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The Coastal Ski and Outing Club is run by volunteers. Please consider what you could do to make the club even better! 

You can reach any of the officers with an email to   Coastalskiclub@gmail.com

Board Members 

President Judy Ombrello

President Elect Annie Laurie Lehman

VP Events  Joe Calabretta

VP Administration Grey Culbreth

Treasurer Karen McCurry

Secretary  Peggy Christie

Crescent Rep John Schwartz

Directors Pat Van

Linda Jones

Gloria Slingsby

Dave Bates

Past President Elena Moglia

Committee Chairs

Membership Mary Culbreth, Kathy Calabretta

Pat Van

Events Roseanne Maglione

Hospitality Linda Jones

Member Care  Mary Ann Carruthers

Webmaster  Kathy Britt

Photos Marie  Sarich

Book Club Judy Bledsoe & Faith Campbell

Trips John Schwartz

Nominations Mary Alice Blackburn


Please remember to use one of our advertisers when you need   their services.  Also, you can advertise for $110 per year which includes one club membership


Submitted by the Bylaws Committee:      Elena Moglia, Peggy Christie, Mary Alice Blackburn

Adopted by the Board on:                      January 25, 2024

Approved by the Membership on:           February 13, 2024 and supersedes all previous versions


The purpose of the Coastal Ski & Outing Club (CSOC) is to promote fun and fellowship and the sport of skiing among its members, as well as to plan social and recreational events for members.  These Bylaws are designed to provide for the government of the Coastal Ski & Outing Club, to set standards for membership, and to establish responsibilities of the officers and committees of the club.



Membership in the club shall be composed of individuals, aged 21 or older, who pay the annual dues as determined by the Board.  Individuals who join the club, in order to go on a trip, must join the club and pay dues.  A member in good standing has been a member for at least 30 days, and has no unresolved issues of financial responsibility, or personal behavior, or any other dispute with CSOC.  When participating in an event or activity sponsored by CSOC, members shall conduct themselves in a mature and responsible manner and follow all rules and/or policies associated with an event or activity.  Members in good standing are also members of the Crescent Ski Council and are eligible to participate in Crescent Ski Council events.

Application for Membership

Membership in the club shall be made in writing and signed on an official club application form, accompanied by dues and fees.  Applicants agree to observe and be governed by the Bylaws.

Waiver of Liability

All members shall acknowledge by signature on their club application form that they will participate in all CSOC sponsored events at their own risk.  All participants (members and guests) agree to release and hold harmless CSOC, its Officers, the Board, Event/Trip Leaders or members for any accident or injury sustained during travel or other participation in any CSOC sponsored event.

Termination of Membership

The Board, by two-thirds (2/3) approval, may suspend or expel a member for just cause after an appropriate review.  Just cause may include inappropriate behavior or the creation of a hostile environment caused by a member.  CSOC’s President, a Vice President and the Secretary will conduct the review.  Anything discussed in the review shall remain confidential.  If a member is expelled from the club, that member’s dues for the current year, will be refunded in full and the member will be removed from all club publications, (i.e., roster, website, Facebook, email distribution list, etc.).


Prospective members may attend three (3) local club functions as guests; after which they are required to join the club and pay their dues in order to continue attending club functions.  Any out-of-town club trip or event requires club membership in good standing.  Guests are required to register for events and meetings.


General membership meetings of CSOC shall be conducted monthly.  Notification of location and time of meetings will be distributed to all members in a timely manner.


The club’s fiscal year is June 1 through May 31.  All membership dues expire at the end of each fiscal year.  Annual dues are due and payable on June 1 and shall be in arrears if not paid by August 15, at which time those members will be removed from all club publications, (i.e., roster, website, Facebook, email distribution list, etc.).  The amount of the annual dues shall be established by the Board.


  • 1.     The Board may accept contributions, gifts, benefits of value, or other gratuities for the general purpose of CSOC.
  • 2.     All such benefits, gifts, gratuities, quid pro quos, reimbursements, price reductions (i.e., group rates, individual discounts, etc.), having a monetary value in excess of $50, or other amount determined by the Board, shall be fully disclosed and shall not be retained or used in any way, by any Member, unless approved by the Board.
  • 3.     Failure to comply with this policy may be considered misconduct of a member and subject to the provisions of Termination of Membership.


The CSOC Member Directory is for the private use of club members only and may not be used for any commercial, business development, marketing or solicitation purpose of any kind.  Failure to comply with this policy may be considered misconduct of a member and subject to the provisions of Termination of Membership.


Board of Directors

  • 1.     The Board of Directors consists of the elected Officers (President, President Elect, Vice President-Administration, Vice President-Events, Treasurer, Secretary), four (4) Directors, the Immediate Past President and Committee Chairmen.  Only the elected Board members have voting rights.
  • 2.     The Board shall serve as the governing body of CSOC, shall establish, review and maintain all policies, procedures and practices of the club.
  • 3.     There shall be at least one (1) meeting each month of the Board.  All club members are invited to attend Board meetings.
  • 4.     All Board members are expected to attend all Board meetings and should notify the President, in advance, if unable to attend meetings.  Any Board member missing three (3) consecutive scheduled meetings during any fiscal year, without prior notification to the President, can be replaced by the Board.
  • 5.     A quorum (simple majority) of Board members must be present to have an official meeting for voting procedures.
  • 6.     Robert’s Rules of Procedure shall govern all parliamentary matters.

Elected Officers

Election and Qualifications

The elected positions shall be the President, President Elect, Vice President-Administration, Vice-President-Events, Treasurer, Secretary, and four (4) Directors.  All these elected officers must be members in good standing and all except Directors and Secretary, must be a member for no less than 1 year.


In the event a vacancy occurs, in any office, for any reason, the replacement shall be nominated by the President and approved by the Board for the unexpired portion of the term.


  • 1.     The President shall be the principal executive officer and shall preside at all general meetings and Board meetings.
  • 2.     In emergencies, the President shall be empowered to make decisions and to take action for the club.  Any emergency decisions made by the President shall be made after an attempt to poll Board members and shall be reported to the Board in a timely manner.
  • 3.     If the President decides to not seek an additional term, the President shall give notice to the Board of Directors in the spring prior to their last term.  The Nominations Committee will then seek a candidate for the President Elect position.

President Elect

  • 1.     The President Elect shall automatically become President of the Club on June 1 of the year immediately following his/her election.  The President Elect should use his/her year to work closely with the President to enable a smooth transition to President.
  • 2.     The President Elect shall perform such duties as are ordinarily incumbent upon a President Elect and such other duties as may be assigned to them by the President or Board of Directors.
  • 3.     In the absence of the President, or in the event of their inability to act, the President Elect shall perform all the duties of the President, and when so acting, shall have all the powers of the President.


  • 1.     In the absence of the President or in the event of their inability to act and there is no President Elect, the Vice President-Administration shall perform all the duties of the President, and when so acting, shall have all the powers of the President.
  • 2.     The Vice President-Administration shall have the primary responsibility for arranging the location and food for the general membership meetings each month.


  • 1.     With the help of the Events Committee, shall plan and coordinate the social events for club members each month.  A minimum of one (1) event shall be planned for each week.
  • 2.     Assign experienced members to mentor and work with new members in planning events.
  • 3.     Work cooperatively with all individual Event Coordinators for the various club-sponsored events.
  • 4.     Details of all planned events need to be made available to the members in a timely manner.


  • 1.     Shall be responsible for the receipt of all funds and the disbursement for all expenditures.
  • 2.     Shall propose an annual budget to be presented for Board approval.
  • 3.     At each monthly Board meeting, the Treasurer shall present a current financial report.
  • 4.     The Treasurer and the President are authorized signatories for the club’s financial accounts.
  • 5.     Uses the club’s debit card to pay for most expenses.
  • 6.     Maintains an up-to-date roster of paid club members.


  • 1.     Records the minutes of Board meetings and distributes copies of the previous month’s Board minutes to the Board members each month for approval.
  • 2.     Maintains a file of past Board meeting minutes.
  • 3.     Handles all social correspondence.


  • 1.     There shall be four (4) Directors elected for staggered two-year (2-year) terms.
  • 2.     Their responsibilities are to assume any assignments given to them by the President with approval of the Board.


  • 1.     Permanent committees are maintained for the following functions:  Book Club, Club Merchandise, Crescent Ski Council, Events, Hospitality, Member Care, Membership, Nominations, Photos, Trips and Webmaster.  Additional committees can be formed and activated as needed.  Duties of these specific committees are listed in the Operations Manual.
  • 2.     Committee Chairpersons are to be nominated by the President and approved by the Board and are members of the Board of Directors.
  • 3.     Each committee shall consist of one (1) or more members in good standing and can have a private meeting whenever it is deemed necessary to fulfill their duties.


The Nominating Committee is to present a slate of candidates for all elected positions to the Board at their March meeting.  This proposed slate will be presented to the general membership in the April newsletter and at the April meeting.  Nominations from the floor will be accepted at the April meeting, at which time nominations will be closed.  The election will be conducted at the May membership meeting, after the slate of nominees is presented for the second time.  A simple majority of members present will determine the results and the new officers assume office on June 1.


Recommended amendments to these Bylaws may be submitted at any Board meeting.  Any proposed amendment must be submitted in writing to each Board member at least 2 weeks prior to such meeting.  Upon approval of the Board, the proposal shall be submitted to the general membership for approval.


The Operations Manual consists of a description of duties for the various standing committees.  Changes can be made to this Operations Manual through a simple approval of the Board.

Event Coordinators - (Vice President-Events duties are explained on Pg. 3)

  • 1.     Works with the Vice President-Events to plan and coordinate events for club members each month.
  • 2.     Provides information for the website describing upcoming events (date, location, fees, etc.)
  • 3.     Ensures a printed calendar of events is distributed at the monthly meetings.
  • 4.     Has volunteers provide photos for the website and Facebook.
  • 5.     Confirms that a member of the Events Committee attends every scheduled event or notifies all concerned club members if an event is cancelled.
  • 6.     Collects any event fees.
  • 7.     Completes the financial reconciliation form for any event that involves club finances and submits it to the Treasurer following the event.

Book Club

  • 1.     Notifies Book Club members of upcoming meeting date, book selection, host name and address, etc.
  • 2.     Picks up and distributes Book Club Kits, if available, from the library or assigns a volunteer to do this.
  • 3.     Maintains a file of Book Club records (i.e., meeting dates, titles of books read, host name, discussion leader name, etc.)
  • 4.     Assigns volunteers to provide beverages and appetizers for monthly meetings.

Club Merchandise

  • 1.     Purchases merchandise with the club’s logo (i.e., tee shirts, baseball caps, etc.) from chosen vendor.
  • 2.     Takes orders and sells merchandise to members.
  • 3.     Maintains record of merchandise ordered and sold.
  • 4.     Turns monies and financial accounting from sales over to the Treasurer.

Crescent Ski Council Representative

  • 1.     Gathers and distributes information on trips offered by Crescent Ski Council and other Crescent ski clubs that might be of interest to CSOC members.
  • 2.     Plans and coordinates trips for CSOC members.
  • 3.     Represents CSOC at Crescent Ski Council Spring and Fall Conventions.  Provides convention report to Board members at the next Board meeting.

Hospitality Committee

  • 1.     Greets guests and new members at monthly membership meetings and events, introduces them to others, and follows-up within a month to invite guests to return.
  • 2.     Holds a New Member Reception once a year for new members who have joined the club since the last reception.
  • 3.     Hospitality Chairman sends a hand-written invitation to each new member inviting them to the New Member Reception.
  • 4.     Purchases beverages for the reception and requests Board members bring an appetizer or dessert.   The club pays for the beverages (with receipts.)

Member Care Committee

  • 1.     Notifies club members of any seriously ill members.
  • 2.     Sends e-cards and/or flowers or fruit, as deemed appropriate, to the ill member, or in memory of a deceased member or their relative.
  • 3.     Sends birthday e-cards and special occasion e-cards to members.

Membership Committee

  • 1.     Provides the opportunity for interested people to complete a Membership Application.
  • 2.     Distributes membership information to all guests at meetings.
  • 3.     Creates and maintains members’ nametags and collects nametags at the end of meetings.
  • 4.     Prior to the start of the meeting, sets up table with nametags and membership information.
  • 5.     Greets guests and new members at the door at monthly membership meetings, introduces them to Hospitality member, and follows-up by letter within a month to invite guests to return.
Nominations Committee
  • 1.     To be appointed at the beginning of the fiscal year and begin the process of identifying prospective officers.
  • 2.     Prepares a proposed slate of officers for the coming year and presents it to the Board at their March meeting.
  • 3.     Reads the slate of nominees to the general membership at the April meeting.
  • 4.     Conducts the election of officers at the May meeting under the leadership of the President.
  • 5.     Maintains the Book of Fame by ensuring by September a slate of candidates is created.  Candidates will be nominated by October and the selected candidate will be chosen by the President and Nominations Chairman.  The selected candidate will be announced at the November Thanksgiving party.  Certificates will be issued and additions to the Book of Fame will be made at that time.
Trips Committee
  • 1.     Researches locations, lodgings and activities for local and out-of-state trips.
  • 2.     Completes a check request form to request deposits from the club, as may be required, (i.e., by travel agents, hotels, restaurants, etc.) to secure reservations.
  • 3.     Determines trip price and sets budget for food and other incidentals.
  • 4.     Makes lodging reservations (i.e., house or hotel) for participants.
  • 5.     Makes event reservations (i.e., white water rafting, boat rentals, golf tee times, etc.)
  • 6.     Maintains a participant list, sets up a waiting list if necessary.
  • 7.     Sets up Room Assignments.
  • 8.     Assures that participants complete and sign a Trip Form.
  • 9.     Transportation to events is the responsibility of the participants.
Webmaster Committee
  • 1.     Webmaster coordinates and collects information from members and event leaders in a timely manner.
  • 2.     Webmaster manages a committee that will coordinate and collect all pertinent information to be entered on the website and any other online presence.  This includes, but is not limited to articles, events, trips, advertising, President’s letter, photos, and data entry.
  • 3.     Solicits advertisers and collects money from advertisers.

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